My project is to build the parametric BIM
model of Casa Da Musica designed by Rem Koolhaas. His idea is to cut out several “shoeboxes” inside a single container.
It was really hard to find a good way to define
the relationship between the surfaces. Firstly I was trying to find the control
points by the floor plan, but unfortunately the mass is not defined by the floor
plan. Then I borrowed the book Content written by OMA which has a lot of
pictures of this building and finally came up with the following idea.
Step1: Draw seven reference planes enclosed as a heptagon.
Step2:Draw reference points on these reference planes based on the pictures
of Casa Da Musica
Step3:Measure the distances between the
points which defined “shoe box” shaped concert hall, and add parameters to
these distances so that the volume of this “shoe box” can be easily changed
with the parameters. (I don’t know why I can’t add parameter to the distances
between a reference point and the level1 reference plane. In addition,I can only
add parameters to the reference points which on the same reference plane,
otherwise it will appear constrains are not satisfied)
Step4:In order to remove this constrain, I manually created a new one which is super clean by using the above method and deleted all the reference planes and points.Then I put new reference points on the vertexes of it,connecting them with reference lines and deleted the surfaces and rebuilt them by using the new reference lines.
step5: Add parameter to some of the points to control their coordinates.(They are no longer constraint by reference planes)In this case,I only add parameters on the z direction to avoid creasing.Now,I can change its shape dramatically !
This envelop is not the original design by
koolhaas. I did this to meet the requirement of this homework. My inspiration comes from the interior wall finish of this building.
Step1:Make a curtain panel family composed
by four boxes. Two of them are transparent, others are not. Add perimeters
to control their depth.
Step2:Load this family into the mass
family. Subdivide one of the surfaces and load the curtain panel family to it. Then
change UV values to see how it looks like.
3. Window families:
The windows are very interesting in this
project. Some of them can be easily built by curtain-system.
Some of them are on sloped walls which don’t
have a orthogonal curtain grid, so I have to build specific window families. The
regular window family also can’t work in this case, so I have to use generic model
roof based family template. Its width and height can be controlled by parameters.
The windows on the” shoe box” are made by
beautiful curved glass. I built it base on a window family template. I use the
array number to control its width and height. The parameters and formulas are
shown in the figures below.
Because the mass family is not a solid geometry
but several surfaces, revit can not create mass floor automatically. As a
result, I have to manually create the floors by tracing the interior outline of
walls though it is not very accurate.
It is such a big project. I did not have
all the information of it .So I just tried my best to build the interior space
as much as possible.

5. Renderings
6. Critics
I think revit is a good software to model constructions
and their components. To some extent ,it is also a good design tool as well. But
when the mass geometry is too complicated like this case, it cannot perform quite
well. For example, it cannot generate mass floors based on a polyface mesh
model. And it is very hard to control the geometry by adding perimeters to control
points because of the limitation of the reference plane .